Monday, August 31, 2015

Tips for eating healthy

 If you have decided to use supplement for weight loss ( i recommend Garcinia that is 100% natural) here are couple of tips that you can add in your healthy diet to help you lose weight faster.

Prepare your own meals. When you prepare your meals at home you take charge of what you are eating as well monitor what you put in your food.

Make changes. When you decide to cut back on unhealthy foods you will see immediate results, try replacing them with healthy alternatives, there are plenty of fruits that are sweet and have less calories and higher nutrient level instead of chocolate and other sweet stuff ( melon, strawberries, grapes, mango, banana)  Also use vegetables fat instead of animal fats ( switching butter with olive oil) definitely will make positive changes in your health such as lowering heart disease or improve your mood. Last but not least switch salty snack with veggies ( sweet potatoes with hummus, baby carrots, sugar snap peas e.i )

Keep in mind that the food you are receiving is for the sake your body to be healthy, you only need food to keep your body in function and eating healthy food will improve your weight as well your health. So avoid emotional eating ( Garcinia Gambogia can help you with that because its increases the serotonin level ).

Drink plenty of water. Water helps flush our system. Drinking at least 8 glasses will help us stay hydrated and avoid headaches, low energy and tiredness. Also the moment you feel hungry drink water before you take your healthy snack. If you are not a tip who likes to drink water change the soda with flavored water. There are plenty of recipe how to make flavored water in a creative way that have great taste but most important healthy.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Celebrities Diet Tips

 Eager to find out how Hollywood celebrities manage to stay on track to look good and be fit.

 Here are couple of them and their diet plan that might help you lose weight and look amazing.

 Miranda Lambert: She switches her meals, so if she has high calorie breakfast her dinner is low cal like grilled chicken and sweet potatoes. Of course cardio burn with the help of her trainer
Bill Crunchfield.

 Jennifer Lopez: Cardio is what keeps her fit. For her the greens are main thing, like broccoli and carrots and lean meat. 

 Kelly Osbourne: her daily ruthine consist of cardio with yoga, weights and Pilates . Heavy brakfast to start the day and for the rest of the day it's salad and oatmeal for dinner. 

It is also said that these celebrities had actually tried Garcinia Gambogia as well, popular in Hollywood a powerful appetite suppressant. Supplement that actually helped them in their weight loss efforts. 


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Garcinia Cambogia can Lower Blood Cholesterol

Like you know HCA plays important part in Garcinia, it actually stops the lyase enzyme from turning sugars into the unnecessary fat, doesn't allow the fat to store in you body. Meanwhile reduces the amount of lipids in the blood. It lowers the production of so called bad cholesterol and increases the production of the good cholesterol. 

So, in order the cholesterol to be in order, Garcinia gambogia as well lowers the blood pressure. All of this has impact on your life, mood and heart.  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Appetite Suppressant Garcinia Gambogia

The most important part in the supplement Garcinia is HCA - hydroxycitric acid which if you didn't know it helps suppress appetite. It does this by increasing the serotonin level which is important brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects are appetite and mood.

High level of serotonin helps us to lose weight by controlling the appetite and sugar craving. As well, it helps us to control our hunger.

Furthermore, increased serotonin levels helps with our emotional eating. It lifts depression and fade anxiety.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Garcinia Gambogia metabolism booster

Garcinia Gambogia is one of the most "revolutionary" weight loss suplements these days. It comes form Southeast Asia , small and pumpkin shaped. It is said by many researchers that is one of the most natural suplement that you can use in your daily diet to lose weight and of course it is know as metabolism booster.

One of the benefits that Garcinia has is that it has the ability to create a more efficient metabolism. So in order to improve the imbalance in your body, that can be caused by a sequence of chemical reactions, many researchers had said that the use of HCA is the best, which is actually contained in Garcinia Gambogia.

Furthermore, this will convert your fat in energy. It will reduce your fat and will help you maintain your weight.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Try this amazing drink for lossing weight and detox

  This is a healthy drink that you can drink every day, at work, home, after exercising and  of course  you can drink as much as you like.  
  This miraculous drink will help your body to trow away throw all the toxins and raise your immunity  as well set your digestive system and full you up with energy.
  You will need only 3 ingredients that you can find almost in every store. 

 This is what you need 

ginger &

 How to make 

 Drain the lemon, the apple  as well and than put the ginger, 5 inches piece of ginger. leave it to stay a little bit, you can add water if it's strong enough for you. 

This drink contains vitamin A, B and C, it can cleanse your liver and it helps it improve. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Garcinia Gambogia a weight loss suplement that can actually help you to lose weight

The most popular weight loss supplement these days is the so called Garcinia Gambogia. This weight loss supplement can be used as part of your daily diet that will burn your fat and actually converts it to energy according to studies and celebrity doctors. 

What is Garcinia Gambogia?
Its a fruit from Southeast Asia. Small and pumpkin shaped. It is said that helps eliminate fat and suppresses appetite, However if you want to try this supplement please check if is made of all natural ingredients and it need to contain at least 60% HCA which helps to increase the serotonin level- a key ingredient that helps suppress appetite as well improves the mood and suppresses emotional eating during stressful times. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Do you have 4 minutes a day? Use them and burn 600 calories.

 This workout includes very simple exercises; jumping jack, squats, push ups and split squats.    This program was made by coach Jim Saret with hope that he will motivate people to lose weight and achieve  a great form without going to the gym. 

“With these exercises you will burn 600 calories in 4 minutes, guaranteed.“ Said Saret. 

Jumping Jacks 

 Start your workout with ten jumping jacks. Open your legs and arms and then close them. 


 Continue your workout with ten squats, just bare in mind your legs and your arms need to be in the same line. 

Push ups

 Continue with ten push-ups. Use the wall if it easier.


 Ended with lunges ten for each leg.  

 Doing push-ups and lunges can be boring and most of us hate it but according to Saret: “The ones you hate are the ones that are actually going to work.“

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The use of coconut oil

Organic coconut oil is perfect for your skin. It prevents your skin from aging as well, improves any skin problem that you have. The coconut oil is consider to be antioxidant which helps to lower the need and use for antioxidant protection of the vitamin E.  

Here are some other facts that you didn't know about the coconut oil.

Can be uses as a moisturizes for your body, face and skin.

It's perfect for protection from the sun. 

It helps with fungal infection and candida.

Extreme tiredness.

It regulates your weight.

Protects your skin from early aging.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Refresh yourself with a flavored water

 The recommended water doze can be sometimes pretty boring, so to stay on the right track and drink water regularly try flavored water.

 Natural flavored water can be perfect and healthy refreshment.

 This are couple of simple ideas how to make a homemade flavored water.

 This is what you need. 

 Any kind of fruit (except a banana) 

 Rosemary, mint, sage or any kind of herb that you want to add, however, be careful to match the fruit so the water tastes good. 

 A jar 

 Wood Spoon 


 How to make it. 

 After slicing the fruit into smaller pieces, firstly put the herbs in the jar and press them with the spoon, then put the fruit and again press the fruit with the spoon so it not takes a lot of space. Put the ice and at the end the water. Put it in the fridge and drink it after couple of hours when the fruit have relinquish its natural aroma.

Here are couple of ideas for combining fruit and herbs so you can get a good flavored water. 


Friday, August 7, 2015

Feel comfortable in your own body

Surely you want to look great and feel comfortable in your own body. This are simple ways that can shred the unnecessary weight and give you a better look.

Drink more water.
  If you want a flat waist stop drinking soda. Instead of filling your body with toxins try drinking water. You will definitely notice the differences when you swop the soda with water. 

  Look at yourself at the mirror and tighten those muscles on your legs, arms and waist. This way you can see how would you look if exercise as well you will feel much more motivated. 

Eat more vegetables. 
  If you eat more veggies you are getting in more fiber in your body, vitamins and nutrition level.

Eat protein. 
  Proteins help to generate your muscle fibers, so if you are exercising it is important to eat protein. So make a space in your diet to eat more eggs, fish, chicken. 

Be proud of your body. 
  First love yourself and except yourself as you are. Be proud of your body and make an effort to look even better.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Combination of Honey and lemon for better immunity and digestion

   We all know that honey and lemon have a huge effect on our heath and in combination they even have more healthful effect. Honey and lemon contain antioxidant, they have antibacterial capacity and most important they reinforce our immunity.

Helpful for loosing weight. 

  The lemon contains zero calories and gives energy. The combination of both helps eliminate the fat in our body, on the other hand, the sugar from the fruit digest quickly. If you want to shred that fat from your waist add 3 tea spoons of lemon juice and one tea spoon of honey in a glass with lukewarm water. You should drink this in the morning that way it will rapid your metabolism.

Eliminates the acne.

  The antibacterial capacity of the lemon and honey would help you to solve the problems with your skin. Make a mask form lemon and honey, place it on your skin than wash it and you'll get a beautiful ten.

It helps when we have the flu.

  When your immunity is weak it is important to get a big doze of vitamin C. In a pot with water put one tea spoon of ginger, 3 tea spoons of honey and 3 tea spoons of lemon and leave it to boil. After that strain it and drink this 2 to 3 times a day.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A daily walk can improve your health


   A daily physical activity can improve your health as well can impact your mood. Just one hour walk can help you live healthier. Here are the benefits of walking. 

  Walking can help you maintain a healthy weight. 

  Improve your blood pressure. According to new studies walking is just as effective as jogging and and helps you lower the risk of high blood pressure. 

 Controls the blood sugar for diabetic.

 Most important improves your mood by increasing the brain serotonin level. So after at least one hour walk you will definitely feel much energetic and happy. 

 So take a hour for yourself every day, call a friend or put your best playlist on your iPod, enjoy and feel the changes after your daily walk. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Healthy Diet

  In order to maintain our weight on a normal level as well to keep our health we need to eat various of healthy foods, which are part of the five alimentary groups. As well you can add weight loss supplements as a part of your diet that can help you reduce or maintain your weight, of course only those which are made of natural ingredients and contain at least 60% of  HCA.  Furthermore, losing 0,5 to 2 pounds weekly wouldn't harm your health instead would only help you feel much more healthier according to many researches. So, in order to achieve this you need to lower the level of calories that you are consuming during the day, 500 to 1000 calories which is enough for every human body. Remember you only need food to make your body healthy and help it function on normal levels everything that is crossing the limit is not healthy it is just slowing down your metabolism, makes you feel less energetic and even depressed.

This is how you can reduce the calories.

  By changing it with high level nutrition food with less calories such as fruits, veggies, healthy snacks, cereals as well a daily exercise. Meat, fish, eggs and other foods such as beans, legume contain enough protein which are vital for body growth and repair. 

  Of course it is also confirmed  that you should as well  keep attention on the amount of food that you are eating, so keep an eye on those plates, a great advise that i can give you is instead taking a large plate chose a small one, that way it will look enough and you will feel full.

Adding a Weight loss supplements as part of your daily diet.

Can help you maintain your weight, and help you lose weight, but only those which are made of all natural ingredients. One of the supplements that is highly recommended these days and used for weight loss is Garcinia Gambogia tropical fruit which according to many researchers in naturally effective for all metabolisms, boosting fat and cuts back appetite.

So why not start today, feel healthy fit and fun. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Why is it immortant to maintain a healthy life style?

  Deciding to maintain a healthy life style can affect how you feel today, tomorrow and in the future.
One of the main ingredient of staying healthy is a good nutrition as well as natural weigh loss supplements that you can use in your daily diet, and last but not least, some physical exercise. This simple changes can help you  reach your weight goal and keep you on the healthy track. 

 Here are just 5 reasons why should you embrace your health.

Controls your weight. 

  Regular exercise and healthy diet can help you control a healthy weight and eliminate the unnecessary fats from your body. The kind of fats that are unhealthy for you and stop your body to function on the normal levels. When we talk about healthy diet we mean eating regularly and healthy, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and raw food instead of junk food that has twice more calories and are zero in nutrition value. Of course using weight loss supplements  also can help you control your weight, but only some of them, which are made of all natural ingredients. 

Makes you feel more energetic.

  By eliminating foods which have high sugar level and salt you will start to feel more energetic and balanced during the day.

It helps you sleep better.

 A good night sleep is the most important part of our health, it clears the mind and renews our energy while we are sleeping. According to many researches unhealthy food and no exercise can lead to many sleepless nights.

Your body will be protected from the 20th century diseases.

  Because of the unhealthy diet many people suffer from most common diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and even cancer. By changing your daily diet you eliminate the risk from this diseases. 

You will gain more confidence.

 Why not love your body and be confident in it. Become proud of how you look and inspire others.