Friday, September 25, 2015

Simple Morning exercise for a great day

Start your day with these simple exercises, that will fill you up with energy for the whole day.

Cat Cow 
Perfect stretching for your back as well for waking up that digestive system.

Jumping Jacks

Michelle Obama is a big a fan of this exercise. It will wake you up, great cardio as well great for cardiovascular health and it will tone your muscles.

Side lifts 

Great core exercise.


Hips and knees. This exercise can benefit your leg muscles, hamstrings and caves.

Bicycle crunches

This variation is great for your abs. It will boost your energy and wake up your metabolism.  

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Couple of ways how to get a flat belly without exercise

 To have a flat belly is every woman's dream. Here are couple of ways that can help you achieve that goal if you don't want to exercise.

  Drink water
It is important your body to stay hydrated, at least eight glass of water a day will make a difference.

  Eat slowly 
Chew every bite at least ten times. This way you will lighten the digestion.

  Use supplements

 Natural, Herbal supplements are great for your digestions.

  Walk daily.  A daily walk can make a huge different. At least 30 min can speed up your metabolism.

Stress is our biggest enemy, as well stress can lead to uncontrolled eating or slow down your metabolism. Yoga, meditation are perfect for relaxation.  

Monday, September 21, 2015

Replace the sweets

This foods can satisfy the desire for sugar and in the meantime wont harm your health. The sugar in the sweets can be quite harmful so replace it with healthy foods.


This fruit can be great replacement to kill the desire for sweets. There is no need to peal this fruit because all the vitamins are in the apple skin. Apple is full with nutritional fibers that give the feeling of satisfaction so you feel less hungry.


Corn can help you give up sweets. It reduces the desire for sugar when is boiled. Corn is a great antioxidant, full with vitamins, minerals as well with nutritional fibers. Despite that kills the desire for sugar it reduces the desire for hunger.

Sweet potato

Another vegetable that can help you is the sweet potato. This food will not just kill the desire for sugar in your body as well will full your body with vitamins C, D, B6. The nutritional values of the sweet potato can help with heart diseases and other digestive problems.


It is perfect spice with amazing smell and taste. The Cinnamon is actually perfect for reducing the desire for sweet as well can help you with weight loss.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Interesting ways to make you drink water

As you all know water is most important to keep us hydrated trough the day, helping our skin to look good, helping us flash toxins and is also important when we use food supplements and exercise. 

Here are couple of tricks that will make you drink water.

Try Flavored water.
Sometimes drinking water all day can be boring, that's why we often drink soda, so why not try flavored water. You can find many recepie online that are easy to make and will take like 5 min.

Use the power of your smart phone.
There are many free applications for drinking water that you can install and use as a reminder when to drink water.

Buy yourself nice bottle or make one.
Most of us are always in hurry during the day and we often forget to drink water that can reflect negative  our body. Make or buy a nice bottle that you will take with yourself and will be near by.

Make a plan
How much water you need to drink during the day. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Yoga poses for lossing weight

 Hectic lifestyle ( stress, food, negative energy, not enough rest) can lead us to unhealthy body. Tummy and tights are most affected because the unnecessary  fat is mostly stored in those parts.

Yoga is found as most popular practice today, beside the supplements you use, It will help us shred fat and get rid of all that negative energy and stress.

Here are some best poses that you can try and of course feel the change.

Warrior Pose I 
Standing pose that focuses on as well  promotes straight and grounding. Is best for weight loss cause strengthens the arms, shoulders, thighs and back muscles.

Warrior II 

Abs and thighs. From Warrior I go to II Strong base with your feet and legs and than extend your arms out just like in the pic T position. Keep your front thigh parallel to the ground. This pose its great for the toning the tights, abdominal muscles as well as the organs. As well helping you with your concentration.   

Chair Pose: 

Best thigh pose, straighten and tones muscles of the glutes, hips, 
back. Good for concentration.  Sit down in the imaginary chair by bending your knees with your hands overhead.

Boat pose: 

Sit down on your mat and stretch your legs up. Keep your spine straight as well as your legs. This is a perfect pose for your inner organs and digestion as well for helping reduce the fat.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Ways to be Healthier

The key of healthy lifestyle is making a simple changes in your old habits ( diet, exercises,et.). 
Beside using a diet supplement ( Garcinia Gambogia) here are some easy steps to make you healthier.

Think positive. Set your goal and show positive attitude towards that. Visualize yourself that you have already achieved the perfect body and health. 

Change your diet. Start eating healthy food, vegetables; raw, steamed or stir-fried. A diet with high vegetables can reduce the risk of cancer. As well you are eating low calories food with high nutrition instead junk food. 

Eat small portions. Instead of eating two big meals a day divide them into four smaller for example, take small plates to look full and enjoy the food instead eating fast. You need only food so that can body can be healthy and function on normal levels. 

Exercise daily. 30 minutes a day can make a  big difference, even if is just a simple walk. 

Love yourself. If you want results,  first you need to appreciate yourself just the way you are, accept yourself and take steps. 


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Reason to detox

If you are trying to detox your body with a colon cleanser such as Revita Cleanse Advanced  here are the benefits that you will get for cleansing your body and get healthy results.

Remove toxins from your body. Exposure to toxins ( cancer causing chemicals, preservatives, heavy metals e.t) can affect your metabolism, immune system, behavior and lead even to disease.

Enhance immune system function. Regular detox will help your immune system to straighten up, functioning and fights against infection.

Lose weight. Toxins affect your body in a way that forbid your body natural ability to burn fat. Leading to gaining weight. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure are result of the wight issues according to many doctors. Detox rids the body of toxins that are stored in fat cells and increases metabolism. 

Increases energy. After detoxing your body you will have more mental, physical and emotional energy.

Improve your skin. Detox improve acne, hair and nails.

Balance. Detox help our body to be balanced and helps our system  to function properly.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Here is what you didn't know about the fruit Garcinia Gambogia

Comes from South Asia, India, Indonesia and some parts of central Africa where there are rain-forest. The extract is from a fruit of a tree and is shaped like a pumpkin in whose rind we get the extract. It is said that had been part of diet for hundreds diet.

Even the English systematic botanic Sir William Hooker records about the fruit's preparation during his trip in Sri Lanka in 1835.

 The taste is sour and acidic, that contributes to its reputation as a digestive aid in Ayurveda.

Nutrition Value: 
 It is said that it contain vitamin C and also probably low fat.

Health benefits:
 In Ayurveda the fruit is used to treat from rheumatism, arthritis, digestive disorders. It is as well said that it treats worms, parasites, dysentery, purgatives, and allegedly tumors.

Extract and a weight loss: 
 According to studies the reason why Garcinia helps to reduce weight   is because it contains hydroxycitric acid or HCA. HCA helps to suppress your hunger and controls the absorption of fats during the digestive process. It is highly recommended for those who really want to lose weight.
Is it save? 
 It depends of where the supplement that you use  it comes from, how many percent of HCA it contains and the bigger problem why we have doubts about Garcinia  is that there are many copies of Garcinia that seems to cause some people a problem. So you should be careful when buying Garcinia.
Furthermore, most people believe that this is a magical pill and they can eat as much as they want and lose weight. Yes this supplement helps in losing weight but you should be careful in what you eat and how much calories you take, we want to be healthy and look good in our skin.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The skinny jeans workout by Nichole Nichols

Wanna look good in those skinny jeans? This is an amazing 6 min exercise. So for all of you that don't like exercising just 6 min will help your body to look good. The Skinny Jeans workout by Nichole Nichols is created to target the muscle, lower body and midsection which are the abs. Even if you use weight loss supplement (Garcinia Gambogia) 6 min will only do you good.   

Side Sizzler 
Exercise for your outer thighs, hips, butt, abs, obliques, shoulders.
 Kneeling on the mat with right knee, right hand on the floor left arm towards the ceiling. Lift and back to start position. Switch on the other leg after 15 repetitions.


Long & Lean Lifts. ( thighs, hips, obliques, shoulders) 
 Lying on the right side your elbow is placed below under the shoulder which are stacked. Stack your legs and lengthen in line. Left hand should be for balance. Lift your leg high as you can and then back down. Switch after 20.   

Triple Toner (Thighs, butt & core) 

 Kneeling on the mat just like in the pic, knees hip distance, feet down on the floor. Arms crossed at the chest. Elbows slightly lifted. (see in the pic) bend down,continue 15 reps. 

                                            Scissor Crunch ( Abs, inner thighs outer thighs) 
  Lay on your back on the mat, keep your head and head relaxed. Lighten your legs towards the ceiling and keep them in line with your hips. Then extend your arms up towards the ceiling   and crunch up. Then return shoulders to the mat and bring your legs  back together to complete one rep.Repeat 20 times. 

 I can say for sure that Nichole had done amazing job, in just 6 min you have complete workout. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Exercise while using Garcinia Gambogia

  Today many people are concerned about their weight, that's why many people use Garcinia Gambogia for losing weight as well maintaining afterwards, according to latest research Garcinia is made of natural ingredients and you can use it after you get rid off those extra pounds. What is most important about Garcinia is that it contains HCA which helps to stop the body to covert the unused carbohydrates into body fat. However physical activity is always welcome. It will enhance the effects of HCA. At least half an hour walk or cardio three times a week will increase even more the result to lose weight. And if you are not a type that likes exercise there are plenty of video clips for a simple exercise that you can find online.

  Not only you will shred that fat fast but you will feel even more good about yourself. It will become a part of your daily routine that will make you healthier. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Combining Garcinia Gambogia with Cleanser

 Detox diets are used in order to eliminate the unnecessary toxin from our body. Detoxification means to remove all of those chemicals and unnatural substances in your body( liver, kidneys & bloodstream) through a strict diet plan. Now instead being on a strict diet that include only drinks there is a new solution for your body the Colon Cleanser (Revita Celanse advanced) that is a powerful detoxifier and combined with Garcinia Gambogia are perfect for your body. There are plenty of people who have said that they have used the both of them in combination and not only they have lost weight but as well felt good. 

 Garcinia Gambogia is small shaped pumpkin fruit form Asia that is said to be a powerful metabolism booster and appetite suppressant., increases the serotonin level improves mood and even suppresses emotional eating during stressful times. While the Garcinia helps your fat to burn fast the Cleanser is helping your body to get rid off all those dangerous toxins that can build up in your colon. Restoring your body back to its healthy state by facilitate healthy and effective digestion.